搜索"戈兰·波格丹" ,找到 5部影视作品
Srdan Golubović
After Nikola’s wife has attempted suicide, the casual labourer’s two children are taken away from him and placed with foster parents. A temporary arrangement, it is alleged. However, following an assessment of Nikola’s housing conditions, the head of the social welfare office in their small Serbian village decides that Nikola is too poor to provide an adequate living environment for his children. The reticent Nikola decides to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Belgrade. He is determined to cover the 300 kilometres to the capital on foot. In this way, he intends to show the authorities how far he is willing to go for his children – literally.
Srdan Golubović finds authentic, moving images to tell this tale of inequality. His quiet but resilient protagonist explores not only the country, but also the boundaries between right and wrong. Resolved not to give in to his mounting desperation, this tenacious father embarks on a heroic journey that redefines the word hero.
A comedy about two people with different world-views, from different places, whose fate, with the help from a bull Garonja (a name given to the black bulls in villages of Croatia), intertwine. Ante (Goran Bogdan) is a peasant from Dalmatian hinterland, a son of an bull fights organizer, and skilled insurance salesman. He is known by his powers of persuasion. At the voting for the Law for animal protection, biggest controversy is considering bull fights. Sonja (Judita Frankovic) is from Zagreb, an inveterate activist fighting for animal rights. In Dalmatian hinterland nobody can understand her attitude. They conclude that Sonja, regardless of the declared intense love of animals, would not dare stand in front of a bull. About Sonja and Anthony , the central pair who in his romantic comedy game going a little farther - a little back, a series of actions is carried out in the style of a wild untamed satire at the expense of local yellow media and important institutions such as the ...
《高俅斯和鹈鹕公社》是彼得·格林纳威“荷兰大师”系列的第二部影片,影片故事背景设定在导演最钟爱的时代——16世纪,讲述了荷兰著名画家、雕刻师亨德里克·高俅斯(Hendrik Goltzius,1558-1617)的传奇故事。影片中高俅斯和他的同伙(包括Dane Anne Louise Hassing)抵达阿尔萨斯的科尔马镇,向当地贵族提议将舞台上性禁忌表演从《旧约》的桎梏中解脱出来。 影片运用舞台剧形式大胆解构圣经故事:亚当与夏娃、索多玛与蛾摩拉、大卫与拔示巴、波提乏之妻、参孙与大利拉、施洗约翰与莎乐美、西门与佩罗等。影片有大量匪夷所思、令人难以接受的场面:深陷伊甸园里的肉欲、乱伦、通奸、恋尸…… 英国导演彼得·格林纳威(Peter Greenaway),被公认为最具野心且具争议性的导演之一。他从上世纪六十年代中期开始制作自己的实验特性影片。他曾执导的影片包括:《绘图师的合约》(1982)、《枕边书》(1996)、《厨师、大盗、他的太太和她的情人》(1989)。彼得·格林纳威坚持认为电影不应单纯依靠影像来叙事,他的作品很大程度上受到视觉艺术、制图艺术、人体艺术、美学和建筑艺术的影响。