Bob and Greta De Jaegher are happily married for 40 years. They can look back on a rich and fulfilled life. Their 2 sons Steve and Carl have a successful life as well. Steve is a talented and recognized film-director and Carl is a promising cook. Steve's wife Billie wrote a bestseller about happiness and wants to start a family with her husband. Brother-in-law Rik, who works at the zoo, tries to pick up his life with his kids, after his wife died two years ago. To mark their 40th wedding anniversary, Bob and Greta organize a family weekend. They want to announce something very important. Their new plans are a sure hit for the family De Jaegher, but that's not the only thing - Wat had to be a cheerful gathering of the family, turns out to be something nobody expected.
繁华喧嚣的大都会东京,四个年龄在三十岁上下的女性正经历着人生种种蜕变。武田圣子(麻生久美子 饰)刚刚荣升公司主管,干劲十足的她首先遭到男权意识极强的下属今井(要润 饰)的连番轻视与挑衅,在这一过程中她忽略了温柔持家的丈夫(上地雄辅 饰)的感受;马上要三十岁的泷川由纪子(香里奈 饰)心中满是童话般的幻想,酷爱小女孩服装的她被客户讥诮,而与男友(向井理 饰)的关系也似乎到了该慎重考虑的时刻;小坂容子(吉濑美智子 饰)肩负起培养新人和田慎太郎(林遣都 饰)的职责,可她却不自觉地对这个小自己一轮的帅男孩动了心;单身妈妈平井孝子(板谷由夏 饰)与出轨的丈夫果断离婚,即使生活再艰辛,也咬牙扮演起身为父母的双重角色。