搜索"Safar" ,找到 6部影视作品
几个酷爱电子游戏的年轻人——吸血鬼季马、博士、大个子、蚊子、丽塔、马克西姆在电子游戏大赛中一举夺魁,大赛赞助商将该公司新开发的一款“反恐精英”游戏作为额外的奖品发给了他们。 年轻人们兴致勃勃地回家把光盘插进了电脑,不料意外发生了,电脑主板被烧,而且音响发出的声波几乎让人晕倒。此后在他们身上发生了一系列怪异现象,马克西姆在捍卫女友列娜与黑帮的较量中,发现自己具有了电脑游戏中人物的超级能量。正当他想把这一切告诉季马他们时,遭到黑帮绑架。季马一伙尾随而至,决定用手中的彩弹枪救出马克西姆。他们冲进了关押马克西姆的仓库,却撞上了几十名实枪荷弹的士兵,原来这是商人鲍利斯新购买的雇佣军。双方展开了激烈的交火,五名年轻人将雇佣军悉数击毙。 鲍利斯顺势雇佣了这五名年轻人,派他们去暗杀自己的商业竞争对手。在执行任务中,季马发现了鲍利斯的秘密,他是想获得波利维亚可替代新能源的钯矿开采权和那些可以将普通人变成超级战士的光盘。 季马试图阻止这一切,但是兄弟反目,博士、扬和蚊子执意要自己拥有这些光盘,取代鲍利斯的位子。他们设计利用季马、马克西姆和丽塔偷袭了鲍利斯的基地。眼看光盘到手,但政府的特种兵到来了……
A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent woman, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from their past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.