搜索"佐藤穗奈美" ,找到 19部影视作品
7名男女在一家高级酒店的茶室里。自由撰稿人中条彩江子,旁边是摄影师世良晴人,接受采访的公司职员结城修。弹钢琴的是修的情人玉木绿藻。年龄不同的情侣水无月流奈和佐藤玲门,主人公结城爱里纱(仓科加奈 饰)从2楼大厅俯瞰他们的光景。
该剧由《昼颜》原班人马制作,西谷弘担任导演,菅野祐悟担任音乐。改编自春乃晴同名漫画,32岁的OL吉野美智(奈绪 饰)与丈夫阳一(永山瑛太 饰)已经结婚第5年,但却两年没有性生活。阳一是咖啡店的店长,虽然爱着妻子,但一到紧要关头就会感到压力。在漠然的不安中,他们的夫妻关系逐渐恶化。岩田刚典和田中美奈实饰演另一对夫妇。新名诚(岩田刚典 饰)是美智公司的上司,优秀又擅长待人接物,被传言是爱妻家,他与职业女性妻子·新名枫(田中美奈实 饰)被周围的人认为是一对理想的俊男美女,但却有着难以告人秘密。有一天,美智被阳一放了鸽子,在夜风中独自喝着啤酒,却偶遇路过的诚,于是他们并肩喝酒,在醉意朦胧中,美智向诚坦白了她和丈夫间没有性生活的事情。 这一天之后,两对夫妇面临的问题都浮出水面。
A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a nearby baseball field, and the task of scooping up the sand and putting it in buckets seems meaningless. Chizuru, who used to be unbeatable in the swim club in middle school even against boys, practices imaginary swimming in the sand-filled pool, while Kokoro, who is serious about cultivating her feminine charm by diligently applying makeup, doesn’t care about cleaning. With their own stories, Miku, who diligently practices dance moves typically performed by men, and Yui, who was the swim club captain last year, and the other girls meet and converse on the pool floor under the summer sun, where unexpected conflicts arise and resolve in unexpected ways. Through a few hours in a day at a high school, the film interestingly shows the sensibilities and desires, dreams and hopes, anger and frustration of that time.
A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a ne...