搜索"Ward" ,找到 375部影视作品
克里斯汀·格尔,Damian Kulash
Why did the world suddenly treat stuffed animals like gold? Ty Warner was a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women grew his masterstroke of an idea into the biggest toy craze in history. “The Beanie Bubble” is an inventive story about what and who we value, and the unsung heroes whose names didn't appear on the heart-shaped tag.
12岁的乔什(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)似乎对自己的年龄有些意见:个子太矮而无法坐绕环滑车,年纪太小追不到心仪女孩……于是他向游乐场里的一个古旧许愿机投了25美分,许愿变成一个大人。不料第二天起床,乔什竟发现自己一夜之间长大了近20岁,现在他是一个不折不扣的大人了,连母亲都认为他是绑架儿子的陌生人而将他赶了出去。乔什只好自谋生计,在一家玩具公司找到了职位。在一次偶然的机会,乔什孩子般的天真与热情给玩具公司老板留下了深刻印象,他的点子也使他在工作中频获嘉奖,很快住进了宽敞的公寓,并与年轻同事苏珊(伊丽莎白·帕金斯 Elizabeth Perkins 饰)展开了浪漫恋情。然而随着工作、生活、爱情这些成人世界的压力开始向乔什逼近,乔什那颗刚满13岁的心渐渐感到困倦失落,他开始回想,这是否就是自己想要的成长…… 本片曾获提名奥斯卡最佳男主角及最佳原创剧本。
This kicks off with the murder of one Adolf Schwartz (who bears a striking resemblance to another famous Adolf) by placing a ravenous piranha fish in his bathtub. Who did it No-one knows or cares, as they're too busy being distracted by busty Margo Winchester, who hitch-hikes into# town and gets involved with all the local men. It all ends with a series of complicated plot twists that reveal that just about everyone is really someone else. And if it gets too confusing, Russ Meyer helpfully arranges for a one- woman nude Greek chorus to pop up at intervals to explain what's going on.
British Army radiation drills at a remote Scottish base attract a subterranean, radioactive entity of unknown nature that vanishes, leaving two severely radiation-burned soldiers... and a bottomless crack in the earth. Others who meet the thing in the night suffer likewise, and with increasing severity; it seems to be able to absorb radiation from any source, growing bigger and bigger. What is it How do you destroy a thing that feeds on energy
星际联盟收到探索飞船发出的求救信号后立刻派遣星际精英特种小组前去营救,由于机器故障飞船迫降到那个荒芜且怪异的星球上。不久后,船员在星球上发现了那艘废弃的飞船,但里面的飞行员都莫名其妙的死去,为了防止尸体异变,他们决定把尸体全部销毁。随后船员们发现了金字塔般的巨大建筑物,然而噩梦从此开始,他们释放了金字塔中所有的嗜血星际怪兽,星球瞬间被恐怖包围,丧尸怪兽一并向人们袭来,他们该如何挽救自己…… (此片精彩的没话说,星球大战般的场景加异型的特效以及著名的cult片演员们齐聚在一块所产生的名词是什么?那就是经典~! 这部B级片的经典程度已经影响到未来科幻恐怖电影的发展前途,像黑洞表面之类的电影就是对其进行无耻的抄袭。影片甚至影响了本成人动漫的一个类型,那就是触手系漫画~片中有经典的蠕虫强金发奶霸的震撼镜头,这就是八十年代恐怖片的魅力……)
故事发生在1870年的英国,传闻中海怪的出没的消息惹得人心惶惶,各国政府都排遣除了军舰在大海上巡逻,哪知道这些军舰均被海怪给击沉了。阿龙纳斯教授(Dan Hanlon 饰)和他的助手康赛尔成为了海难中的幸存者,同时保住了小命的还有鱼叉手尼德(Curtis Benton 饰),一行人被鹦鹉螺号潜艇救起,他们也就此认识了潜艇的主人尼莫船长。 尼莫船长久仰阿龙纳斯的大名,把他当做上宾接待。但是船长暴躁的个性和激进的手段让阿龙纳斯明白,此地不宜久留。尼莫船长向阿龙纳斯展示了自己多年来苦心钻研的研究成果,亦带他畅游神秘的海底世界,但阿龙纳斯的脑袋里只有一个念头,那就是逃走。
Lee Haven Jones
The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor’s biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. But it’s not easy. Old habits die hard. Especially when they discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek.
When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working on, hoping one will lead to his killer. The first involves gangster Joe Walpo and Ripley finds his hideout through Joe's girl friend, Connie Anderson. Joe is killed but it is established he was 400 miles away when Stewart was murdered. The next involves a car-theft gang which Ripley breaks up by using one of the gang, Vince Angelino and his wife Julie. The last case involves Kate Martell, the victim of an extortionist who threatens to kidnap her child unless she pays him $10,000
玛丽安(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)和约翰(大卫·鲍伊 David Bowie 饰)已经不太记得请他们究竟在一起多长时间了,他们只知道,每过7天,他们都需要饮下人类的血液,以此保留青春,没错,他们都是吸血鬼。约翰的突然衰老给玛丽安带来了恐慌,因为在她漫长了生命里,这样的事情发生过不止一次,然而每一次,能终结这种衰老的只有死亡。 萨拉(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)将自己的毕生精力都投入到了研究长生不老药上面,不幸的是,萨拉的研究也无法挽救约翰,他最终死去。美丽性感的莎拉吸引了玛丽安的注意,可莎拉却并不想像玛丽安那样变成吸血鬼。为了反抗玛丽安,莎拉选择了自杀,站在莎拉的尸体旁,玛丽安知道,自己将再一次陷入到无尽的孤独和寂寞之中。
Out of the fifties 'B' Science-Fiction monster movies, this easily ranks as the best. It's most notable as the film that ALIEN is an unaccredited remake of, thus giving it a certain historical significance. The intriguing plot is about the rescue of the only marooned survivor (Col. Carruthers) of an ill-fated expedition to Mars. The authorities, pig-headed as usual, falsely assume that he murdered his fellow crew members, so that he'd have more provisions to survive; hence he is being brought back to Earth to face court-martial for murder. (There is also a somewhat interesting plot reversal here Most movies of this nature usually begin with the ship leaving Earth, enroute to its otherworld destination, while, in this case, the story is believed finished, and begins as the characters take-off from the other planet, returning to Earth). As the rescue ship is leaving Mars, a lurking, ominous shadow is seen in the lower compartment. (A frightening, atmospheric moment, accomplished through sheer economy and simplicity). Carruthers insists of his innocence to his fellow captors, claiming that his original crew mates were slaughtered by a hostile, unseen presence on the desolute red planet, but three-guesses as to their reaction to his unusual plea. Naturally, he can't prove it, and 50's space authorities were not very alien conscience at the time. (As a side-thought, unseen menace may remind you of that highly original BLAIR WITCH). As everyone sacks out, a hapless supporting charactor whose name is at the bottom of the casting list (guess what will happen to him) hears something in the lower compartment. Despite your futile don't go down there, you jerk! pleas, he does just that, and is appropriately killed (more like thoroughly obliterated) by the shadowy figure with insatiable blood lust on its mind. In the victim's case, dereliction of duty and sheer cowardliness would have been the wise decision. The scene is actually well-directed (for a change) and develops much suspense, as the entire film surprisingly does. The crew finally catches on that they have an unwanted ship crasher on board, and try every possible means at their disposal to eliminate it, but the unknown creature seems to copping an anti-death attitude. Proving to be an even more clever, worthy adversary, 'IT!' also hides out in the ventilation shafts of the ship (now that should ring a bell). Cahn's forceful direction generates considerable tension as the malevolent stowaway works its way up from one level of the confined ship to the next, eventually leaving the remaining characters trapped at the top. The movie's suspense is blunt and right to the point IT!' has to kill them or starve, hence they have to kill IT! or die. Nothing like those no two ways about it choices. Rent it, or check for it on cable if you wish to know the outcome. For a low-budget quickie, IT! is quite impressive and memorable. The dreaded sense of claustrophobic tension, rendering the characters' helpless entrapment, is highly effective. This is a production in which the limited budget and small sets actually work in favor of the plot's scary ambience. The black white photography (Yes, it's one of those!) helps to enhance its dark, creepy mood, and the sense of apprehension is quite high. (Modern day color freaks never seem to take that into consideration). The plot is also somewhat cynically ironic If the creature hadn't stowed away on the ship, Carruthers would have most likely been found guilty of the charges against him. The intelligent script (see what I mean about rareity) was penned by noted Science-Fiction author Jerome Bixby (remember Twilight Zone's It's a Good Life) The picture's taut editing eliminates any extraneous dross. (ALIEN tended to drag in its first hour with its sophomoric dialogue, and why did it have to include that stupid and ultimately counter-productive sub-plot of Ash being a robot, and further dragging the story down to another big bad conspiracy cliche UNNECESSARY!!!) Director Cahn astutely keeps the rubber-suited monster off-screen and in the shadows through-out most of the proceedings, keeping your paranoid imagination on constant alert. Unfortunately, perhaps at the studio's commercial insistance, it is a little over-revealed at the climax, but I haven't claimed this to be the perfect masterpiece. The performances, though nothing award-winning, are nevertheless cool enough so that one becomes sincerely concerned as to their fates. Not many movies in recent times ever come close to achieving that. They can be over-produced from here to eternity, and usually only succeed in being gloriously annoying. This film's story is not really totally original (what is), for it is based on A.E. Van Vogt's VOYAGE OF THE SPACE BEAGLE. All ALIEN fanatics should track down an old used copy to see where the initial influence came from. As long as you're not craving another CGI wind-ding, you may find it worthwhile. Just don't expect the women to be Ripley precursors. This was still the sock-knitting fifties, sad to say.
立志当人类历史上第一位宇航员的丹•米尔顿•普雷斯科特(比尔•艾德华斯 Bill Edwards 饰)驾驶代号Y-12的宇宙飞船前往太空,在进入外太空的一刹那,他因为过于兴奋而忽略了总部的命令,最终导致飞船失控。飞船坠入大气层,与总部失去联系。不久,国防部的人找到飞船残骸,而惹出祸端的丹却在女友处潇洒快活。 丹的特立独行给国防部高层留下极深的印象,他们顶住各方压力,仍然决定派遣丹驾驶Y-13再次前往太空。当达到600’000尺的高度时,丹的老毛病再次复发。他不顾总部的命令,直线冲入外太空。结果飞船失控,受到宇宙粉尘袭击,最终爆炸。国防部找到飞船遗骸,却未见到丹的身影。随后不久,一个恐怖嗜血的生物开始在城市中出没……
The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult member, Aksel Brandr, pays them an unexpected visit. Aksel, on behalf of the cult's leader Henrik Brandr, offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. Jacob Richardson, the father, rejects the offer due to the priceless sentimental value of their home. Henrik and his cult, displeased, begin to put devastating curses on the Richardsons, trying to force them off their land - even if it means murdering them. After suffering unexplainable tragedies, the Richardsons seek help from Marybeth, a white witch high priestess. They soon discover a terrible secret about their home, revealing why it is so valuable to the cult. They realize they must protect their property from the cult at all costs, and a violent battle between good and evil ensues.
Damien Leone
故事发生在万圣节的当晚,莫妮卡(凯蒂·马奎尔 Katie Maguire 饰)和道恩(Catherine Corcoran 饰)醉醺醺的从一个派对中离开,走在清冷的大街上,两人打算去一家披萨店弄点吃的,一个小丑打扮的男人尾随她们也进入了店里,虽然小丑的样貌十分可怖,但个性似乎还挺可爱的,除了他把店里的厕所弄的一团糟,气炸了店主。 之后,莫妮卡和道恩离开了店里,道恩进入了一间公寓上厕所,莫妮卡在路边等她,小丑再度出现在了她的身后,这一次,小丑想做的便不仅仅是逗她笑这么简单了。小丑打晕了道恩,当道恩再度醒来时,映入眼帘的,是被倒挂的莫妮卡和在一边手持电锯的小丑。
芭儿(布莱娜·布罗恩 Brianna Brown 饰)和强尼(肯·华德 Ken Ward 饰)驱车赶往家乡,去参加阿姨的葬礼。他们的车直接开到墓园,然而这里却空无一人,只有棺木停在墓穴的旁边。正当他们诧异之时,两个奇怪恐怖的男人袭击了准备电话求助的强尼,强尼吓得夺路而逃。芭儿继而发现,这两个人已变成吸血僵尸,连她的妈妈(Marcia Ann Burrs 饰)也成为他们中的一员。芭儿落荒逃跑,沿途的景象让她惊慌失措,似乎那久为归来的故乡已经变成充斥着恐怖僵尸的修罗场。路上,芭儿被瘾君子本(Joshua DesRoches 饰)搭救,暂时逃脱僵尸的攻击。但是她的恶梦并未就此结束,漫漫长夜仿佛没有尽头……
In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
Jason Parker
A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.
Computer game designers Ethan (Glen Meadows) and Cole (Antonio Aguilar) take a working vacation at Paradise Sands Resort. Ethan is with his wife, Sarah (Beverly Lynne) and playboy Cole is footloose and fancy free, but both have sex on the brain. As Cole adds another notch to his conquest belt, Ethan pressures Sarah to fulfill one of his cherished fantasies. She agrees to a threesome with bodacious Sophie (Shauna O'Brien), but the next day Sophie turns out to be the slut who came to dinner. For starters, she lied about her relationship with sociopath Ray (Evan Kensington), a systems analyzer. It turns out that she's married to Ray, who expects a quid pro quid for borrowing his wife. Ethan refuses to steal Allegro Games' innovative design so that Ray can resell it, but Ray won't take no for an answer, turning up at Ethan's office and threatening to rape Sarah. Ethan hires a bone-breaker to intimidate Ray, who beats the crap out of the dude. Ethan hacks into Ray's criminal files and ...