搜索"Xi" ,找到 266部影视作品
The story follows in the wake of Sylvie who lives in Brest with her two children, Sofiane and Jean-Jacques, whom she’s raising on her own. Together, they’re a joyous family who pull together in the face of adversity. Sylvie works late into the evening while her children stay home alone. One evening, there’s an accident, and Sofiane is removed from Sylvie’s care. The mother must...
In series one, Barbara from Blackpool realised her dream and became TV comedy star, Sophie Straw, the nation’s favourite. In series two, Sophie finds out that ‘having a voice’ doesn’t mean it will be heard and that fame is a fickle friend.
Fed up with being the comic muse in old school comedy shows, Sophie tries her hand at arthouse cinema hoping it will be more progressive – i...