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居住在纽约的匈牙利移民威利(约翰·劳瑞 John Lurie 饰)是一个自认为时髦的年轻人,受姨妈之托,很不情愿地接待素未谋面的表妹艾娃(伊斯特·伯林特 eszter balint 饰)来住所借宿10天。然而在短暂又无聊的十天中,个性的艾娃却渐渐赢得了威利的好感,也与他 的好哥们艾迪(Richard Edson 饰)成为了朋友。时间来到一年后,威利和艾迪打扑克赢下了许多钱,他们决定离开这座城市,去克利夫兰找艾娃。亦是因为无聊,三个朋友在回合后又决定离开克利夫兰,一起去佛罗里达度假。然而在佛罗里达,无聊的时光终于出现了戏剧性的变化,威利和艾迪去赛狗输光了所有钱,而艾娃却在海边散步时,被一个毒贩误认而获得一笔意外之财。艾娃给两个伙伴留下了一些钱后,便准备买机票飞回欧洲,而与此同时,威利和艾迪去赛马又把钱赢了回来,他们能否在机场顺利追回艾娃…… 本片曾获1984年洛迦诺国际电影节金豹奖以及1985年圣丹斯电影节评委会特别奖。
奥杰塔(Uliana Lopatkina 饰)是一位美丽的公主,一场意外中,她不幸的被邪恶的魔王罗特巴尔特变成了一只天鹅。王子齐格弗里德在成人仪式中看到了变成天鹅的奥杰塔,于是追随着她的身影来到了湖畔,奥杰塔以天鹅的姿态默默向王子倾诉着自己的哀怨,王子深深的爱上了奥杰塔,他决定要用自己真爱的力量令奥杰塔变回人形。 齐格弗里德的生日宴会上,罗特巴特带着自己的女儿奥吉莉娅前往庆贺,奥吉莉娅有着和奥杰塔一模一样的样貌,鬼迷心窍的齐格弗里德和奥吉莉娅订下了婚约。很快,王子就知道自己中了恶魔的诡计,他找到了奥杰塔,请求后者的原谅。
一辆老式轿车载着一男两女行驶在阳光明媚的山间公路上,谁知突如其来的车祸摧毁了看似美好的一切。不知过了多久,男人(韦斯•本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)从昏迷中醒来,此时他躺在一间空旷的大房子中央,窗边摆着医疗设备和仪器。清脆的脚步声响起,美丽而略带神秘感的女人(凯特•波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)走到他的面前。男人似乎因车祸而大脑受创,他记不起眼前的女人是谁,而对方则声称是他的妻子。在昏睡的梦中,关于车祸的碎片时时闪现眼前,这令坠入记忆裂缝中的男人愈加无助。越是迷惑,他越是渴望了解这个家,了解他所谓曾深爱而如今却如此陌生的女子。
Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIVAIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be a personal warden--companion--to troublemaker patient Daniel. Despite their initial distrust and ignorance, the two form a platonic bond that leads them to be better men. The Companion shows the stigma associated for those with HIVAIDS in the early days of the epidemic--gay and straight. This eye-opening drama finds friendship and compassion during a little-known chapter in Cuban history.
Ivaylo Hristov
Elena, Koko, Patso and Gosho are high school students in a small provincial town. They are inseparable friends that share the belief that they are «losers». Koko is in love with Elena. The girl wants to be a singer. She is really excited about the visit
Jonas Quastel
斯科特·米勒(尼克·莱德 Nic Rhind 饰)大学时代曾像很多年轻人一样放荡不羁,他也因此受到处罚。在此期间,故乡华盛顿夏保福镇的女友杰西(Robyn Ledoux 饰)被父母强迫,与米勒分手。两年后,物是人非,米勒和杰西再次相遇,只能感叹有缘无份。此时米勒已经有了新的女友莉迪娅(Marina Pasqua 饰)。这是一个轻浮放荡的女子,她在鲨鱼俱乐部狂欢,最后惨死在洗手间内。偏巧目睹这一场面的米勒被当作杀人凶手,受到通缉。
城市中的爱情面貌,特别是以女性为主体所讲述和展示的都市百态。片中的演员都是普通的城市居民,讲述的也都是真实的故事,说它是一部电影,更象是一个调查,一种视角,一种事实的呈现。 Tentato Suicidio 自杀:遭受情变,恋人或未婚夫的遗弃。有部分假自杀的行为,只是希望以此使身边人回心转意,在遭受冷落后,转为真自杀。方式各异,服药,撞车,割腕,溺水…… Paradiso Per tre ore 天堂三小时:舞场三小时,天堂三小时。各种舞步,各种人物形态的交织。巧妙之处恐怕文字难以表述。 Agenzia matrimoniale 婚介:敬业婚介工作者为各色的男人物色合适的老婆。即使是残疾者或者——一个狼人。而贫困的女子为了摆脱困境愿意接受甚至嫁给一个狼人的婚姻。因为,至少她可以衣食有着落。 Storia di Caterina 卡特琳娜式的故事:贫困并且受到驱逐令的女子。带着其私生子到处流浪,走投无路之下,她遗弃儿子。却又因为实在不忍心,而去认领。悲惨却视角冰冷的社会故事。 Gli italiani si voltano 意大利人的回首:街道,各色女子,腰臀轻摆。也许,某个擦肩而过,甚至只是一瞥之下的女子会惹的你不自禁的回眸。或者是因为脸庞清秀,或者因为体态丰韵,或者因为着装出众——这副生动的风情画卷正是基与此。
In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who carries the weight of a previous relationship gone wrong. Yet, a chance encounter with Richard seems to allow him the chance to love again. As Aris' relationship with Richard deepens, so too does his friendship with Anna, a patient in his care who suffers from a rare neurological syndrome that leaves her paralysed. Anna recovers the use of her limbs, but finds that she has come to rely on Aris for much more than just his support. In fact, her discovery that her husband has been unfaithful during her illness triggers the realisation that her feelings for Aris are romantic. The ties that bind emotion and propriety begin to unravel, and the tangled net that is woven will hold a secret that will catch them all.
Julian is a 12-year-old boy whose family is just scraping by in the Ruhr industrial region of Germany in the early 1960s . When his mother and younger sister go away for a while, he is left mostly alone in the apartment while his father works in the coal mine. He has to confront the confusing world of adults and older boys and the older girl next door on his own. Finally events build up and threaten to tear the family apart.
28岁的博士生奥玛(奥玛尔·梅特瓦利 Omar Metwally 饰)决定撰写一本关于作家裘洛斯·关德的传记小说,他的前程和事业均紧紧的与这本小说相连着。据相关记载,裘洛斯早已经自杀身亡,他的哥哥亚当(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)、妻子卡洛琳(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)和情妇雅登(夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰)是世界上仅存的同裘洛斯有关联的三人。 不知为何,这三人都回绝了奥玛希望得到小说授权的请求。在女友蒂德莉(亚历山德拉·玛丽亚·拉那 Alexandra Maria Lara 饰)的劝说下,不甘心的奥玛决定亲自前往他们位于乌拉圭的一处偏僻小镇的豪宅进行拜访。奥玛的到来打破了小镇上的宁静,一段尘封多年的往事就此渐渐浮出了水面。
A company that produces a toxic chemical tries to improve its image via a popular spokesperson, Ricky Coogan. Ricky travels to South America to get a first-hand look at the chemical's effects and finds himself at a mutant freak farm. Elijah, who runs the farm, is only too happy to have new subjects on which to try his freak machine. The very chemical that Ricky is supposed to promote is the one responsible for creating the great variety of freaks.
Old miss Marple is on a train ride when she witnesses a murder in a passing train. She reports it to the police but they won't believe her since no body can be found there can't have been any murder, right As always, she begins her own investigation. The murder was committed while passing Ackenthorpe Hall and miss Marple gets herself a job there, mixing cleaning and cooking while searching the house for clues.
拉杰(赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)和蒂娜(卡琳娜·卡普Kareena Kapoor 饰)是关系十分要好的玩伴,拉杰要移民到英国了,蒂娜答应他即使两人身处异地,但依然要通过电子邮件来保持联系。可是,当拉杰给蒂娜发电子邮件时,蒂娜却总是爱理不理,蒂娜的好友波加(拉妮·玛克赫吉 Rani Mukherjee 饰)实在看不下去,于是顶替了蒂娜的身份给拉杰回邮件。 一晃眼十五年过去,在这十五年里,拉杰一直不知道,和他保持通信聊得火热的,其实是波加。某日,拉杰决定回印度度假,蒂娜和波加的小小谎言眼看着就要被拆穿了。
故事讲述前海洛因瘾君子丹尼尔·莱格参与了一项毒品交易,以错误的理由为错误的人提供帮助。 当交易失败时,丹尼尔被扔进泰国监狱,并被判处100年徒刑。 当他试图在曼谷被监禁时幸存下来时,他被定罪的消息引起了环球邮报记者维克托·马拉雷克的注意,他决定追捕负责对丹尼尔进行错误指控的阴暗卧底警察。
Giorgio Serafini
When four female friends go on a retreat to a secluded lakeside cabin, they soon realise they’re not alone. Masked intruders try to take them hostage, but as they fight back, the friends get a taste for something more than the will to survive. Will thei
Antonio 跟 Paolo 同居於柏林,生活美滿,兩人決定結束愛情長跑,結婚共渡餘生,不過他們其中一個還未向親友出櫃、另一個則跟媽媽再沒往來。為了得到家人的祝福,他們只好飛返意大利家鄉宣告婚事,同行的還有他們的喪爆房東和室友。一趟意大利旅程,引發軒然大波!七國咁亂,難關重重,要怎樣才能成就百年好合的幸福終局?改編自2003年首演的外百老匯同名音樂劇,浪漫惹笑,勇奪意大利票房佳績,笑爆戲院,叫好叫座。
David, now an old man, is still king of Israel. Among his sons, the ambitious Adonijah and the clever Solomon. The two young men are fierce rivals, since both are prospective heirs to the throne and only one can be successful. During a hunting expedition, Adonijah challenges his younger brother Solomon to a chariot race. While Solomon, though brave, still retains a modicum of caution, the daredevil Adonijah is eager to win at all costs -- and loses control of his chariot. Solomon takes the seriously injured Adonijah back to Jerusalem. On the way there they meet the attractive Abishag, who despite her youth is versed in the use of healing herbs. She actually succeeds in helping the prince. Adonijah falls in love with Abishag -- but Bathsheba arranges things so that she works for David, hoping that her youth, her beauty and her healing powers will soothe the old king's suffering. Several members of the influential priesthood and also the respected army general Joab, who served David loyally for many years, support Adonijah's claim to the throne-- even though David has still not made any decision with regard to a potential successor. The battle-experienced Joab regards Solomon as an indecisive weakling, under whose leadership the kingdom would soon fall apart. When the prophet Nathan finds out about Adonijah's conspiracy he informs Bathsheba and Solomon, who urge David to take immediate action. And so it comes to pass that preparations to anoint the future king of Israel are made both at the Spring of Enrogel, where Adonijah and his men are encamped, as well as in Jerusalem. The festive procession for Adonijah has already been assembled and the people enticed with delicious delicacies to cheer him on, when the news of Solomon's coronation reaches Enrogel. The people promptly acknowledge the will of King David and stream off to Jerusalem in their hordes to greet Solomon, their future ruler. Adonijah remains behind with a handful of loyal followers. He realizes that he has lost -- for the time being. Humbly he places his life in his brother's hands. Adonijah is forgiven on one condition that he always remains loyal to his brother Solomon. The great King David is dead, and his son Solomon has succeeded him as the rightful ruler of Israel. Adonijah now has a request to make of Bathsheba he wants to marry Abishag. Solomon hears about this seemingly innocent wish, and recognizes it as a renewed ploy on behalf of his brother to reclaim the throne -- Adonijah's marriage to the last woman to share King David's bed would strengthen his political position considerably. Solomon knows that he has to act quickly and decisively if he is to secure his own power. He has his brother Adonijah and the latter's closest associate Joab executed. After this radical decision, Solomon withdraws to present sacrifices. In a dream the Lord appears to him and grants him the fulfillment of a wish, whatever it may be. Solomon merely asks for wisdom -- in order to become a good ruler and judge. War with Egypt is looming. To arm his kingdom against the territorial ambitions of its powerful neighbors, Solomon not only introduces several reforms but also decides to marry the daughter of the pharaoh. The Egyptian princess does not remain Solomon's only wife, however as time goes by the king marries numerous noble women from many different countries for political and economic reasons. In this way he preserves peace for his people, and creates great prosperity. By allowing the women to continue practicing their domestic customs and religious rituals in Jerusalem as well, he comes into regular conflict with the priesthood, who see the foreign religions as endangering Israel's sole covenant with the Lord. The wisdom granted to Solomon by God becomes fully evident when the king sits in judgment. One day two harlots each claim to be mother of the same baby. Solomon's decision seems utterly cruel he says that the child should be cut in two so that each woman receives half. Solomon can now determine who the real mother is from her reaction she will not allow her child to be harmed. Solomon hands the child back to its true mother amid cheers of approval. One of the most important tasks handed down to Solomon by his father David is building the great Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant. It has to be larger and more magnificent than all other temples in the world, and Solomon now sets about fulfilling his father's wish. He places Jeroboam in charge of the Israelite workers as chief overseer. Seven years later, the work is completed. The expensive construction materials have been brought from far-off lands, and the people of Israel have paid exceedingly high taxes without complaint in order to finance the construction work. The Ark of the Covenant can now finally be taken to the Temple in a triumphant procession. After so many years of wandering, the Israelites' most sacred possession now has a fixed home of its own. People stream to Jerusalem from across the entire country to celebrate the great day. Abishag, now married, comes too and brings her family. Solomon has decided to mingle among the people in disguise, and he and Abishag are overjoyed when they accidentally meet again after so many years. The Temple makes Jerusalem and its king famous throughout the world. Even the dark-skinned Queen of Sheba sets off with a large retinue to visit the wise and cultivated Solomon and admire his magnificent city. The admiration turns out to be mutual Solomon, captivated by her beauty, falls deeply in love with her. The two of them have a child, Menelik, but one day the Queen of Sheba decides to leave. She does not want Menelik to be deprived of the regal dignity awaiting him in his home country. Solomon stays behind, with a heavy heart. The king has now achieved everything he set his heart on, but with the passing of the years the wise Solomon gradually becomes a melancholy, skeptical old man who regularly questions his very existence. Material things seem to represent the only reality for him. He also refuses to adopt any kind of steady policy, especially in religious matters. With his foreign wives, Solomon sacrifices to foreign gods, and this incurs the wrath of the priesthood. The loyal Jeroboam appeals to his king's conscience, but to no avail. During one of Solomon's sorties in disguise among his people, a simple farmer reminds him of the first of the Ten Commandments revealed by the Lord to Moses You shall have no other gods before me. At another decisive moment, God Himself speaks to Solomon and announces the punishment for his sinfulness the kingdom will collapse after Solomon's death. The king has grown old and weary. He has lost touch with the people of Israel, who are suffering from heavy taxation and forced labor. Solomon has treated his long-standing companion Jeroboam, to whom he entrusted the administration of the northern tribes, with murderous anger ever since a prophet predicted the division of the kingdom to him. The king no longer has the strength to change things -- he just leaves them as they are. The consequences of this become clear shortly after his death. Solomon's son and successor Rehoboam treats the country's leaders with arrogance, and provokes the division of the kingdom into two parts the only tribe still loyal to him is that of Judah, while all the others unite under Jeroboam. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The kingdom that Solomon received from his father David, and invested with such might and magnificence, is now divided.