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在平行世界的日本,铁道国有化根深蒂固。就读于桐生铁道高中的高山直人(福山润 配音)梦想进入国铁担任火车司机,从此过上安安稳稳的生活。为此他进入学生铁道OJT参加培训,并在此结识了性格过激的暴力女樱井葵(沼仓爱美 配音)和头脑简单四肢发达的岩泉翔(日野聪 配音)等人。好不容易通过了OJT的测试,结果直人他们却被分配到了东京中央铁路公安室第四警戒班。原来国铁长期赤字,许多地方线路长期废弃。为此有很多组织以极端的手段要求国家将铁路实现民营化,于是铁道公安队应运而生。直人他们成为铁路上不可或缺的重要存在…… 本片根据丰田巧的轻小说改编。
In the bleak filmscape of glasnost, The Needle stood out as a black sheep of a movie. The most playful and offbeat of the Soviet films of the period, it contrasted sharply to the mainstream, which was overwhelmed with revisionism of the Stalinist past and nihilistic social criticism. Made in 1988 by a young Kazakh director, Rashid Nugmanov, fresh out of VGIK (the national film school), The Needle was a pioneering effort in several ways. Having come from a remote, stagnant republic of Kazakhstan, the picture set off a movement that has come to be known as the "Kazakh New Wave." Represented by such works as Alexander Baranov's and Bakhyt Kilibayev's The Three (1988) and Woman of the Day (1990); Kilibayev's The Tick (1990); Baranov's He and She (1990); Abai Karpykov's Little Fish in Love (1989); and Serik Aprymov's The Last Stop (1989), the Kazakh New Wave was for the agonizing Soviet film of the late 1980s what the French New Wave was for the dusty French film of the late 1950s. The Needle was the movement's a bout de souffle. The film also became a model for the Russian version of postmodernism—uninhibited and uninformed, compensating for the lack of culture, skill, and resources with mischief and wit. A young man named Moro (played by Viktor Tsoi, the late rock 'n' roll legend from the St. Petersburg band "Kino") returns to his Asiatic hometown only to find his exgirlfriend, Dina (Marina Smirnova), becoming a drug addict and himself becoming involved in the bizarre life of the city's underworld. In an attempt to save Dina, Moro takes her away to the Aral Sea, turned into a barren desert by the time they arrive. There Dina seems cured, but back in town everything starts anew. Almost desperate, Moro decides to fight the drug dealers, led by a hospital doctor (played by another rock 'n' roll star, eccentric leader of the "Sound of Mu" band and the future star of Taxi Blues, Pyotr Mamonov), when one of them stabs him in a deserted park.